Tag Archives: coloring

This is really Birdorable!

24 Sep

A couple days ago I was surfing the web, checking out other sites that offer coloring books, and came across this great website called Birdorable. Arthur and Amy have created a large collection of birds (drawn in the style that you see in this image) which can be purchased on all kinds of merchandise (and many of them are quite humorous). They also include a blog, free educational coloring pages, desktops, e-cards, and more. And they also donate money to various bird-related causes.

7 reasons why you should be coloring!

19 Sep

Copyright D Sharon Pruitt

Be forewarned: this list is kind of cheesy and is based on opinion and not scientific fact.

1. It’s relaxing! When you color you can just zone out. I don’t know much about color therapy but seeing certain colors next to each other makes me happy (I get color therapy out of crocheting too when I combine certain colors).  Use coloring to de-stress.

2. It improves fine motor skills. Using various art tools and concentrating on different levels of detail will force your hands to have more control. Try using both hands.

3. You can learn drawing techniques. Looking at one line drawing for an extended period time can be a great opportunity to learn  how other people draw. I teach at an art studio and the owner was telling me that it’s actually a great way for kids to learn drawing skills. Often times if they see a drawing they like they want to mimic it. Tracing a line drawing is a great way to learn shapes,  and how they work with each other (and then you can apply it to your own art).

4. You can enhance your creativity. Add your own touch when you are coloring a page. Try making the sky plaid, turn the characters into zombies, add your own characters, etc. You don’t have to color in the lines. A coloring page can be a worry-free way to experiment on some techniques.

5. Use coloring for educational purposes. When I was a kid coloring pages of anatomy parts and geography were especially helpful. Do a google search on any subject you want to learn about and you can probably find a coloring book that will fit.

6. It gets you away from the computer. Try turning off your tv and pick up your crayons instead. Give your eyes a rest from screens.

7. Your fridge needs to be decorated! I don’t think I need to expand on this comment.

See Also:

As my eyes are about to fall out of their sockets!

Color Me Contest!

A little elbow grease (and lots of fun) gets you a free e-book

Ornaglyphology Vol 1. E-book

A little elbow grease (and lots of fun) gets you a free e-book!

8 Sep
© Mindy Fisher

From "Ornaglyphology Vol. 1" ©Mindy Fisher

To promote my coloring book I thought it would be fun to have friends, fans and other artists to each color in a page. So far 10 people have agreed to participate, which means I have 14 more slots open.  Anyone who participates will get a free copy of the e-book.  As people send in their pages I will be posting them on my blog. Once I have at least 10 images back I will be putting them in my virtual 3-D gallery in Second Life. Each participant will get full credit and linked to anything they are working on if they wish. Feel free to come up with a caption to go along w/ the page and it might turn into an exquisite corpse story. Kids are welcome to participate too.

How to participate: Send me an email to: info@ornaglyphology.com letting me know. I will send you your page within a day or two. When you are done just email me a scanned copy along with any other info you want to include. Once I get your colored in image I will email you the e-book!

See Also:

As my eyes are about to fall out of their sockets

Color Me Contest!

7 Reasons why you should be coloring

Ornaglyphology Vol 1 E-Book

Color Me Contest!

21 Aug

Ok here it is! One of the pages from my coloring book entitled Ornaglyphology.  I wanted to have a coloring contest so my favorite coloring job will win a small custom portrait! The deadline will be October 21st. You can download and print it out at flickr. When you are done coloring post it on flickr tagged with OrnaglyphCB (or email it to me: info@ornaglypholgy.com and I can post it for you). And remember kids, the sky does not have to be blue and you don’t have to color inside the lines!

See Also:

A little elbow grease (and lots of fun) gets you a free e-book

7 Reasons why you should be coloring

As my eyes are about to fall out of their sockets