Tag Archives: custom

Custom Paintings Holiday Deadline

18 Nov

Custom Paintings Holiday Deadline

If you are interested in hiring me to create a custom holiday gift the deadline is approaching. If you live in Southern Vermont or Southwestern New Hampshire I will give you until December 8th to order. Everyone else get those orders in before Thanksgiving! You can visit my website (click the photo) to get an idea for pricing or email me at info@ornaglyphology.com.

A note on custom orders and the holidays

24 Oct

With the holiday season approaching this is the busiest time at Ornaglypholgy Studios. All custom painting orders that need to be completed for the holidays need to be ordered by November 21st. Please keep in mind that I am a one person crew so the earlier they get in the better as I have a limited number of paintings that I can complete each month. If you order and I am booked up I will let you know and we will figure it out from there.

To order a custom painting visit: mindyfisher.com to pick your size and pay. Then email a photo or a description (or both) of what you would like to happen in the painting. Paintings usually take a couple weeks to complete but I do not finish them off until I’m satisfied with the quality…so give me a month. If you have any questions or need suggestions send an email to info@ornaglyphology.com. I can’t wait to work on this years batch of paintings!

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Chicken Lady Goes to Egypt

5 Oct

I mentioned this painting in my horus blog entry earlier this week and was given permission to show it (it’s unlikely the recipient will see this). I didn’t get a great photo but this was one of my favorite paintings to work on. I loved researching Egypt and applying the costumes to my characters. The characters on the bottom are Horus and Anubis.

Custom options are now available!

23 Jun

Now here’s some exciting news…I finally put options for custom portraits in my webstore! All of the most popular sizes are available but if you want something you don’t see get in touch.

Another custom-o-glyph

4 Jan

©2010 Mindy Fisher

Here is another painting that was ordered during the holidays! I wish I knew this cute pitbull’s name. Sometimes when there isn’t enough room for a speech bubble I’ll just create a wallpaper with the ornaglyphs. This piece is 6″ by 6″, gouache, on board. A new price sheet for custom orders is coming soon!