Tag Archives: night

A Little More Bedroom Scene

16 Jan

©2011 Mindy Fisher

Here’s what I did since my last post…added curtains, a rifle and a nightstand (with lamp). I also started working on some of the character actions. I know that the perspective is pretty wonky (especially with the old lady in the bed) I might fix that if I have time. But this image will be in the video for less than a second so it’s low priority.

a farm scene

22 Dec

Another backdrop from the animation I’m working on…a farm. The green thing in the middle is a pen for ducks and geese (and their heads pop out during the video).

I’m on a roll!

28 Nov

I worked on scene two most of today. I have about 24 seconds completed of this video (this includes the opening credits so I have about 2 more minutes to go). This shot just shows the backdrop and the character. The body parts are all separate layers. This isn’t a three headed fox either. I made three different heads to help with the animation. He’ll be single-headed in the film. Also in the flash version there are clouds and a moon.