Tag Archives: window

A Little More Bedroom Scene

16 Jan

©2011 Mindy Fisher

Here’s what I did since my last post…added curtains, a rifle and a nightstand (with lamp). I also started working on some of the character actions. I know that the perspective is pretty wonky (especially with the old lady in the bed) I might fix that if I have time. But this image will be in the video for less than a second so it’s low priority.

The Bedroom Scene

16 Jan

Here is another background for the video. I still need to add a couple details. I want to put in a rifle, curtains and a side table. I also need to be able to make the woman jump out of bed, so the blanket needs to fold over. I also think at some point during this verse Kip is going to stick his head up in the window to sing. I might have John (the guy in bed) dreaming about a grey goose.