Tag Archives: dog

From gods to dogs….

13 Oct

©2011 Mindy Fisher

This week I worked on a small series of dog paintings. I wanted to have a recent example of what my pet portraits can look like and to also have some available on hand for the upcoming holiday season. If you have a request for a specific breed consider ordering a custom painting or shoot me an email with any questions at info@ornaglyphology.com.

Click here to see, in addition to the french bull, a chihuahua, beagle, greyhound and bull terrier!

Chicken Lady Goes to Egypt

5 Oct

I mentioned this painting in my horus blog entry earlier this week and was given permission to show it (it’s unlikely the recipient will see this). I didn’t get a great photo but this was one of my favorite paintings to work on. I loved researching Egypt and applying the costumes to my characters. The characters on the bottom are Horus and Anubis.


8 Jan

©2009 Mindy Fisher

6″ x 6″ gouache on board.

Another dog portrait I made before the holidays.

Another custom-o-glyph

4 Jan

©2010 Mindy Fisher

Here is another painting that was ordered during the holidays! I wish I knew this cute pitbull’s name. Sometimes when there isn’t enough room for a speech bubble I’ll just create a wallpaper with the ornaglyphs. This piece is 6″ by 6″, gouache, on board. A new price sheet for custom orders is coming soon!

Works In Progress

19 Sep

These are 3 pet portraits that I’m working on. A Bengal cat named Lola, a Chihuahua named Titan and a Pomeranian named Bear. They are pretty much complete, I just have to give them pupils add the captions and fix a few minor mishaps (I have a tendency to smudge). For Bear the panel was too small to really add a cartoon bubble so I am going to add the writing to the background which is something I do sometimes.

See also:

Strummer and Barrow Portrait